Saturday, August 29, 2009

Robin's Birthday

Yesterday was Robin's Birthday! So to celebrate her birthday we planned to swim at 5:30 am and then run 10 miles (Ironman training plan). Since we all have kids in school, we swim at 5:30, go back home to take our kids to school, then meet back to run. But when we woke up, it was thundering and lightening. At 5:00 am, the four of us are all calling each other trying to figure out whether or not to go to the pool. Then the LOUD boom and lightening made the decision for us. 4500 yard swim. It's tough training for Ironman and missing workouts. With our busy lives, its hard to make up a workout. As I'm driving to the St. Marks Trailhead and its raining, not too hard but just enough, I'm thinking how cool is it that we are going to run in the rain on Robin's birthday? We love to run in the rain. But just as we began our run, the rain stopped and the sun came out. For all of you who are runners, you know that is the most miserable condition to run in...incredible humidity. We had a great 10 mile run especially considering the amount of training we put in this week. Off to shower then to Food Glorious Food to celebrate Robin's birthday (and mine). Robin's and my birthday are only one day apart. Imagine that!

Only two long swims this week. OUCH!!! I really need to swim as much as possible because that is my weakest of the three sports. But I'm hoping I'll be okay in the Ironman swim. I know I can swim the distance, I've done it twice before but I'm just SLOW. Karen swears she is going to paint the bottom of her foot orange (think construction cone) so I can draft off her in the swim. With over 2000 athletes in the water at the same time that's the only way she thinks we can stay together. Oh, and if she loses me she'll just stick that orange foot up in the air so I can see her.


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